Darkhorse Radio - Show 101 (17 Aug 2009)

DHR#101 - Darkhorse Radio (17 Aug 2009)
THE SHALLOW CALL (interview and music)

MySpace: www.myspace.com/alancarr
iTunes : http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=127914285
Twitter: www.twitter.com/darkhorseradio 
email :  alan@darkhorse.co.uk

Here's the show 101 tracklist
(all songs by The Shallow Call)

1. Frank Bruno
2. Seventeen
3. Oh No Not Again
4. Where We All Hang Around
5. I Wanted You More Than you Wanted Me
6. Ask Me


Many thanks to Phil for the interview and to Simon for arranging it.
The Shallow Call's third single 'I Wanted You More Than You Wanted Me' is available on 24th August 2009 (see above website)

Assoc of Music Podcasting Weekly Review Podcast - http://amped.libsyn.com
Visit the AMP website at www.musicpodcasting.org

Email with any comments - or leave feedback on the website (use ‘Comments’ link) - I can be reached here: alan@darkhorse.co.uk.
Darkhorse Radio is a member of the Association of Music Podcasters (AMP)

The photo with these notes is ‘Weathered Call' ©AJC, 2009
Alan, www.DarkhorseRadio.com , 17th August 2009

Direct download: DHR101-ShallowCall.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:11pm UTC

Darkhorse Radio - Show 100 (31 July 2009)

DHR#100 - Darkhorse Radio (31 July 2009)
'all those evenings when we didn't ask why'

MySpace: www.myspace.com/alancarr
iTunes : http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=127914285
Twitter: www.twitter.com/darkhorseradio 
email :  alan@darkhorse.co.uk

Here’s what I played in show 100 ……

THE REDWALLS - Thank You - www.myspace.com/theredwalls
JONT - We are the Grapefruit - www.jontnet.com/
SARAH FULLEN AND THE STANLEYS - It Could Rain - www.myspace.com/sefullen
STEVE ROBERTS (and the Zen Bank of England) - Ballad of Alaska - www.myspace.com/steverobertsthebankofengland
FARRELL SPENCE - Here's to You and Me - www.farrellspence.com/
MADRUGADA - Honey Bee - http://emi.no/madrugada/
SATELLITE STATE - Lights Out - www.myspace.com/satellitestatemusic
WYE OAK - Obituary - http://wyeoakmusic.com
MARIA DAINES - Chained to You - www.maria-daines.com/
OLENKA AND THE AUTUMN LOVERS -  Flash in the Pan - www.olenkalovers.com/
PLANTS AND ANIMALS - Bye Bye Bye - www.plantsandanimals.ca
NEIL HANNON (The Cake Sale) - Aliens - www.myspace.com/thecakesale

the intro music was KYLE PHELAN BAND - Sandcastles - www.myspace.com/kylephelanband (great track - will play again in full v.soon)

Assoc of Music Podcasting Weekly Review Podcast - http://amped.libsyn.com
Visit the AMP website at www.musicpodcasting.org

Email with any comments - or leave feedback on the website (use ‘Comments’ link) - I can be reached here: alan@darkhorse.co.uk.
Darkhorse Radio is a member of the Association of Music Podcasters (AMP)

The photo with these notes is ‘the end of the catwalk' ©AJC, 2009
Alan, www.DarkhorseRadio.com , 31st July 2009

Direct download: dhr100.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:24am UTC





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